The voice of a female singing is the voice of the feelings you go through. As teens are growing up and experiencing how life really is, things cant always be expressed as you want. Like many female artist out there they tell a story a story that every girl in the world is facing. If its with love, lost, family or friends theirs also a voice of a female lyric to express and touches you on the things your going through. This week best female song that relate to teens of right now is "Alejandro" by the only and one Lady Gaga. The song ''Alejandro'' means confused about choosing the right guy when your dating three and don't know which one to choose. This song by Lady Gaga tells a story about a teen who's confused about love and liking someone. There a friend of mine who going through the same thing and doesn't know how to express it out. the two guys are mainly fighting for her in which it makes it hard to choose. Her love and her had being taking a break but during that break things just got out of control. Someone new came in her life and the feelings began to come through, but stilling loving that other person. In her mind everything was done for her love to the guy that had said "need a break". Months had passed by and she had dissed not that wait anymore to move up and that what shes doing. Someone special come in her life someone with qualities, dreams and travel, this person is the best picture of love there is to be. Everything is going prefect until someone hears the news of moving one and not waiting anymore! The news had hit hard something that wasn't ex petted from a long time love that was gonna hit a new year. The truth hurts it hurts when you think the worst. He had once way try to get in the middle of her happiness to destroy it. Shes more confused then ever both feelings for both guy are strong and cant have both of them. Lady Gaga feeling for Alejandro and Roberto leaves her to choice and forget the other person as she said,"Don't call my name,Don't call my name, Alejandro I'm not you're babe,I'm not you're babe, Fernando Don't wanna kiss don't wanna touch. Just smoke one Cigarette and run. Don't call my name,Don't call my name,Roberto". The song had help her by realizing she doesn't need this in her life right now even tho she really likes the two boys but enough is enough and she is now living her life the way it comes by the words of Lady Gaga.